Saturday 26 February 2011

Portfolio Task Four (Post Modern Graphic Design)

Some outstanding characteristics of postmodernism are that it collapses the distinction between high culture and mass or popular culture; that it tends to efface the boundary between art and everyday life; and that it refuses to recognise the authority of any single style or definition of what art should be. (


This Jamie Reid piece is from the iconic Sex Pistols album art work, shows a complete disregard for high culture and authority by blatantly disfiguring the Queen, the monarchy and what they stand for.  

This piece of work by an unknown artist/designer has an anti-aesthetic feel to it, also with the slight look of a pop art piece with the classic dots and spots painting style. Pop art being considered a Post Modern art form. 

This is another example of Jamie Reid's album art for the 'Never Mind the Bollocks' this showing its post modern colours, being anti-aesthetic, anti-technique and critique on the modern world.

This piece Barbra Kruger again uses anti-aesthetic design also using a Sans Serif font which is common in Post Modern Graphic Design. 

This image is Obviously by designer David Carson, it use a large type face overlapping one another making it fairly illegible, this is breaking all conversions of what 'good' graphic design should be. this total disregard for what design should be make it a Post Modern piece of Graphic Design.   

Another piece of work from David Carson, this one from the magazine Ray Gun, again it follows a similar theme to the other with the use of mixed media to make a piece with seemingly poor technique no attempt at a grid as there is no need in anti-aesthetically driven Post Modern design.   


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